RAD Solutions S.R.L. Apps

Proloco Sarnico 1.6
RAD Solutions S.R.L.
I nostri compiti, come ufficio IAT,Informazione e accoglienza turistica, sono quelli di:INFORMARE: far conoscere i servizi turistici disponibili, lepossibilità ricettive e di ospitalità, i circuiti enogastronomici,le attrattive locali, della provincia e della regione, il sistemadella mobilità e ogni altra notizia che possa rendere soddisfacentela visita e la permanenza. In particolare, assicuriamo un serviziodi informazione su iniziative culturali, sportive e ricreative, edi tempo libero che si svolgono nel comune e nel territoriocircostante, stabilendo a tal fine i necessari rapporti dicollaborazione con enti e soggetti organizzatori. I servizi offertiin tal senso sono prestati a titolo gratuito.ACCOGLIERE: per attività di accoglienza del turista si intendonotutte le attività orientate a rendere fruibili le opportunità e iservizi turistici disponibili, senza informazioni di tipopreferenziale.Inoltre:- Distribuiamo materiale, anche di produzione autonoma,direttamente o attraverso la spedizione in Italia eall’estero.- Raccogliamo i vari reclami dei turisti riguardanti i diversiservizi turistici, ce ne facciamo carico e segnaliamo a nostravolta agli enti competenti.- Ci occupiamo dell’aggiornamento delle sezioni dedicate al turismodei siti internet del Comune di Sarnico www.comune.sarnico.bg.it) edella Comunità Montana del Monte Bronzone e del Basso Sebino(www.bronzone.it), oltre al sito della Pro-Loco.- Gestiamo lo sportello al pubblico e i registri nautici per ilConsorzio della Gestione Associata dei laghi d’Iseo, Endine eMoro.- Ci occupiamo della biglietteria per Navigazione Lago Iseo, quindida noi si possono acquistare tutti i tipi di biglietti sia per ibattelli di linea che per le crociere notturne e diurne.Our duties, as IAT,Information and tourist reception, are those of:INFORM: to introduce the tourist services available, thepossibilities of accommodation and hospitality, food and winetours, area attractions, the province and the region, the mobilitysystem and any other information that can make satisfactory visitand stay. In particular, we assure you information about cultural,sports and recreation, and leisure activities that take place inthe town and the surrounding area, establishing for that purposethe necessary working relationships with organizations andorganizers. The services offered in this regard are provided freeof charge.WELCOME: to welcome the tourist activities means all activitiesdirected to make available the opportunities and touristfacilities, with no preferred type of information.In addition:- Distribute material, including independent production, eitherdirectly or through shipment in Italy and abroad.- We collect a number of complaints from tourists about thedifferent tourist services, we do with our time to load and reportto the competent bodies.- We take care of the update of the sections dedicated to tourismsites of the City of Sarnico www.comune.sarnico.bg.it) and theMountain Community Bronzone and Lower Sebino (www.bronzone.it), inaddition to the site the Pro-Loco.- We manage the door to the public water and logs for theConsortium Management of Associated lakes Iseo and EndineMoro.- We take care of the ticket for Navigation on the Lake Iseo, thenfrom us you can buy all kinds of tickets for both passenger boatsthat cruise the night and day.
Demo Eventi 1.3
RAD Solutions S.R.L.
è un’applicazione gratuita di facile usocheserve per la gestione degli incontri nel contesto di un meeting.Funzionalità Principali:permette la memorizzazione , per ogni singolo intervento,di:· Relatore· Società appartenenza· Orario e durata intervento· tipologia (Tecnico, commerciale, ecc)L’utente potrà visualizzare tutti i dati sopra indicatieselezionare, per ogni fascia oraria, quelli dimaggiorinteresseCreando così l’elenco dei favoritiis a free easy-to-usethatis used to manage the meetings in the context of a meeting.Main Features:allows the storage, for each intervention, the following:· Rapporteur· Society membership· Opening and duration of intervention· Type (technical, commercial, etc.) The user can view all the above information and select, foreachtime slot, the most interestThus creating the list of favorites
khatod 1.6
RAD Solutions S.R.L.
Khatod, a real front-runner in LEDlightingsolutions, offers you the opportunity to use our in-depthoptical,technical and mechanical know-how to considerably improvetheefficiency of your final applications.The reduced energy costs achieved with LEDs, along withthepossibility of pairing with the new technologies developedbyKhatod for LED Lighting applications, make LEDs and KhatodOpticalSystems the perfect match. We will merge our capabilitieswith yourrequirements in order to achieve the best performance withyourlighting appliances.Khatod products leverage nearly three decades of hands-onexperiencewith lenses for Solid-state Lighting (SSL) in a widerange ofapplications and environments. Unique on the internationalscene,Khatod has developed the entire product process 100%in-house,Milano-Italy, a full optical service - from project toobject -encompassing all the production processes.Our extensive intellectual property, including many Patentsissuedor pending in Europe, USA, China and some hundred EPDesignsissued, is the result of continuous investments inR&D,high-tech software and equipments as well as topengineering team.Based on the latest in designing, productionmethods, testing andcontrol, our aim is to deliver the bestproducts and technologiesthat far surpass the traditional ones.High project potential, fastsmart reliable performance and ease touse are some key pointsenabling to add value to the optic solutionwithout adding to thecustomer’s costs.Also, our customers can count on a worldwide support: Khatodoffersextensive on-line information about products andtheirapplications; attends the most important internationalexhibitionsand conferences of the lighting industry; maintainssales officeswith stock on site around the world; informs withregularnewsletters and press releases in the specialized magazinesof theindustry.Come see the sections below ! What you will find is much more thanalens.Khatod, arealfront-runner in LED lighting solutions, offers you theopportunityto use our in-depth optical, technical and mechanicalknow-how toConsiderably Improve the efficiency of yourfinalapplications.The reduced energy costs Achieved with LEDs, along withThePossibility of pairing with the new technologies developedbyKhatod for LED lighting applications, LEDs and KhatodOpticalSystems make the perfect match. We will merge ourcapabilities withyour requirements in order to Achieve the bestperformance withyour lighting appliances.Khatod products leverage nearly three following decades ofhands-onexperience with lenses for Solid-state lighting (SSL) in awiderange of applications and environments. Unique on theinternationalscene, Khatod Has The entire product process developed100%in-house, Milan-Italy, a full optical service - from projecttoobject - encompassing all the production processes.Our Extensive intellectual property, including many Patentsissuedor pending in Europe, USA, China and some hundred EPDesignsissued, is the result of continuous investments in R &D,high-tech equipments and software as well as top engineeringteam.Based on the latest in designing, production methods, testingandcontrol, our aim is to deliver the best products andtechnologiesThat to surpass the traditional ones. High potentialproject, smartfast reliable performance and ease to use are somekey pointsenabling to add value to the optic solution withoutadding to thecustomer's costs.Also, our customers can count on a worldwide support:ExtensiveKhatod offers online information about products andtheirapplications; attends the most important internationalexhibitionsand conferences of the lighting industry; Maintainsstock on sitewith sales offices around the world, with INFORMSregularnewsletters and press releases in the specialized magazinesof theindustry.Come see the sections below! What you will find is much more thanalens.
GeneXus 2015 Italia 2.0
RAD Solutions S.R.L.
Venerdì 27 Marzo 2015 si terrà la 4°edizionedell'evento che ogni anno aiuta a scoprire e adapprofondire leconoscenze di Genexus; novità, nuove tecnologie,scenari futuri.Per dare più spessore al tema di quest'anno, "Ricette perunoSviluppo di Successo", si è scelto di organizzare il meetingpressola cantina di Franciacorta Contadi Castaldi ad Adro –Brescia(Italia).Il meeting si svolgerà nell’arco dell’intera giornata:Si intervalleranno interventi di carattere tecnico a interventidicarattere generale e un workshop interattivo sullo sviluppoGenexusSmart Devices.Assieme ad alcuni ospiti, cercheremo di riflettere sul temadellamanifestazione.Parteciperanno:Rodrigo Alvarez – Genexus International – ResponsabileMercatoEuropeoAlessandra Brasca – IBM Cloud LeaderMassimo Ferretti – IBM Business Developer StorageFedele Pizzetti – Cio Yokohama ItaliaPaolo Cereda – Co-founder/ownerwww.trovaprezzi.itwww.shoppydoo.itRoberto Filippello – MICROSOFT Sales & BusinessDevelopmentDirectorGiovanni Pressiani – Istruttore Genexus ItaliaJoaquín Alvarez - Director at DvelopFlavio Signoroni – Cantina Contadi CastaldiPaolo Fiori – Responsabile Commerciale Genexus ItaliaGustavo Caorsi – Responsabile Tecnico Genexus ItaliaE’ stata organizzata una visita alla cantina accompagnatidaFlavio Signoroni, Sommelier Professionista, e un pranzochecomprenderà affettati, formaggio e risotto alFranciacorta.La giornata si concluderà con la degustazione di alcuni vinidellacantina.Come ogni anno l'evento è completamente Gratuitopreviaregistrazione al seguente linkPer chi non conoscesse ancora Genexus:Genexus con oltre 25 anni di attività; è uno strumento perlosviluppo di applicazioni aziendali in modalitànativa,multi-piattaforma e multi-linguaggio basato su "ModelDrivenArchitecture".Genexus permette di abbattere i costi di programmazione edimanutenzione dei software del 70%.Grazie alla sua versatilità e la sua capacità dicreareautomaticamente codice per i diversi linguaggi diprogrammazione,Genexus è stato scelto per lo sviluppo delle proprieapplicazionida oltre 10000 aziende e multinazionali tra le quali:Canon, Roche,Dhl, Warner Music, Faber-Castell, Mitshubishi,T-System..Vi aspettiamo.Cordiali SalutiGeneXus ItaliaFriday, March 27,2015will be held the 4th edition of the event which annuallyhelpsdiscover and deepen the knowledge of Genexus; innovations,newtechnologies, future scenarios.To give more depth to this year's theme, "Recipes foroneDevelopment Success", it was decided to organize the meeting atthewinery of Franciacorta Contadi Castaldi in Adro -Brescia(Italy).The meeting will take place throughout the day:Intermittent with interventions of a technical nature ingeneralinterventions and an interactive workshop on thedevelopmentGenexus Smart Devices.Along with some guests, we will try to reflect on the theme oftheevent.Participate:    Rodrigo Alvarez - Genexus International-Responsible for European Market    Alessandra Brasca - IBM Cloud Leaders    Massimo Ferretti - IBM BusinessDeveloperStorage    Fedele Pizzetti - IOC Yokohama Italy    Paolo Cereda - Co-founder /ownerwww.trovaprezzi.it www.shoppydoo.it    Roberto Filippello - MICROSOFT Sales&Business Development Director    John Pressiani - InstructorGenexusItaly    Joaquín Alvarez - Director at Dvelop    Flavio Signoroni - CantinaContadiCastaldi    Paul Flowers - Sales ManagerGenexusItaly    Gustavo Caorsi - Technical ManagerGenexusItalyE 'was organized a visit to the winery accompanied byFlavioSignoroni, Professional Sommelier, and a lunch that willincludecold cuts, cheese and risotto with Franciacorta.The day will end with a tasting of some wines from the cellar.As every year the event is completely FREE upon registrationatthe following linkFor those unfamiliar yet Genexus:Genexus with over 25 years of business; is a tool fordevelopingbusiness applications in native mode,multi-platform,multi-language based on "Model DrivenArchitecture".Genexus lowers the cost of programming and maintenance ofsoftwareby 70%.Due to its versatility and its ability to automatically createcodefor the different programming languages, Genexus was chosen forthedevelopment of their applications for over 10,000 companiesandmultinationals such as: Canon, Roche, DHL, Warner Music,Faber-Castell, Mitshubishi, T-System ..We wait.Sincerely YoursGeneXus Italy